Unusual Tours in Baku
Guided Quest through the Old City
We're excited to invite you to a new and captivating quest tour in Baku

What awaits you?

Embark on an exhilarating stroll through the Old City - Icherisheher. Solve riddles and explore landmarks with an energetic guide.

We offer a fresh perspective on traditional tours – an interactive guided quest. It's a blend of a quest and a tour – thrilling and educational. For groups with children, we have extra questions prepared to keep them engaged.
At each location, the guide will share fascinating facts about the place, along with city legends and stories of remarkable individuals connected to it. Learn about the history of the Old City, the unique architecture, and the lifestyle during the Shirvanshahs era.

No special knowledge is required to solve quest tasks, just general knowledge and logical thinking. Participants will actively observe and study the city, using provided props to answer some questions.

Stroll through narrow streets, observe the modern life of Old City residents, and discover interesting facts about Azerbaijan's main attractions and cultural heritage!
  • Meeting Point
    Icherisheher Metro, near the Z. Tagiyev monument
  • Duration
    Approximately 2 hours
  • Cost
    For a group up to 6 people — 270 manats,
    Additional participant — 20 manats
  • Tour Group
    Up to 10 people.
    Additional tasks for children aged 6+
Tour Reviews
Sign up for the guided quest in Baku
Specify the date and time you would like to take the guided quest
Phone: +944 50 689 86 28
VR - here's your time machine!
VR Tour of "Baku in the 19th Century"

What awaits you?

A tour with virtual reality glasses is a journey where you can immerse yourself in past eras, see the buildings that have changed or been lost.

Diving into the city's history accompanied by our guide, you'll walk from one location to the next. Using virtual reality glasses, you'll be transported back in time to see how Baku looked 50 or 100 years ago. Through VR headphones, you can simultaneously listen to part of the narrative about the historical scene, while the guide shares other aspects of the tour.

Your tour will be a mix of the present and the past, the real and the virtual. You'll learn about the lives and secrets of the great oil magnates Tagiyev, Nagiyev, Mukhtarov, and Shagidanov, whose stories intertwined with the history of Baku like a complex pattern. The cherry on top is the lost gem of Baku's history – the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky.
  • Meeting Point
    At the "White Lilies" fountain
  • Duration
    1.5 hours
  • Cost
    50 manats per person
  • Tour Group
    Ages 12 and up.
    Group size up to 4 people
Tour Reviews
Sign up for the "Baku in the 19th Century" VR tour
Specify the date and time you would like to take the tour
Phone: +944 50 689 86 28